Reports - How to show individual responses by submission rather than by question | XM Community
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I'm trying to build out a report that lists all of the answers from one response, and then lists all of the answers from the next response, etc. I can't find a way to tell the Reports field to go to the "next" response.

For example, I have the following questions in a survey:

1. Favorite color?

2. Year you were born?

3. Favorite tree?

Respondent 1 answers: "blue", "1967", "elm"

Respondent 2 answers: "red", "1954", "birch"

I want the report to look like this:

Favorite color?


Year you were born?


Favorite tree?



Favorite color?


Year you were born?


Favorite tree?


Is there a way to do this?
It isn't the perfect format you want but you can use Create a Custom Page to get this:


1. Click Create Custom Page

2. Under Data Source choose a question that is open-ended

3. Click Add Additional Columns

4. Select the next question you want included in the table

5. Click Add Additional Columns

6. Select the third question you want included in the table

You can click on the text in the data source box to change the text for additional columns and it will also update the header on the table.

If none of your questions were open-ended, for the fist Data Source choose Survey Metadata - Duration and then you will get the option to add additional fields. Add a field and then you can change duration to whatever you want without the additional fields disappearing.
Thank you for your help! This is pretty much what we currently have, but we want to break it up into two sections, so that the respondent data shows up as one entry per header.

I edited your screenshot a little to show what I mean.


I don't suppose there's any way to accomplish this while guaranteeing that we're not showing the exact same row?
There isn't a way I know of.

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