Representing a Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree Likert to Favorable/Neutral/Unfavorable | XM Community
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We have a survey that has questions natively asked in a 5 point Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree scale. We would like to convert these in reporting/analysis to Favorable/Neutral/Unfavorable. Is there a way to do this within Qualtrics?

Hm, I think I may have a partial answer for you, @dhoppe . If you go into your survey itself, you can recode your values and change the variable names to reflect the structure you describe. (see picture as an example) This should carry over into your reporting. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working for me when I try to display all the statements from a matrix item in one visualization, but it works if I only pull in one statement. So you could report on it that way. I don't think that completely solves it, but it's progress!


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