Request a participants email, but not track them by it | XM Community
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Hi, I'm planning on sending participants a survey through anonymous link. However, I would like to request their email so that I know who participated, but I don't necessarily want to tie that email back to their responses in the survey. How can I add a question asking them for this detail, but not tie that response to the rest of the ansnwers by it - is that even possible?
Hi KatC,

Any question you define will going to stay in the survey response data set so within the same survey you won't be able to get this done.

But what you can do is upon survey completion, redirect them to another survey where you will just thank them for their participation and ask for their e-mail address (of course with assurance that it won't be tied with the responses they have provided).

This way you would be able to have their survey data collected in a different project set and their e-mail IDs collected in another project set.
Makes total sense! Thanks!

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