Response count for connected surveys | XM Community
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I have two surveys (A and 😎 that have a quota each of 60 responses. The survey link shared with respondents is the first survey's link (A). Surveys have a qualification for age. Only if the respondent meets the age qualification can the quota be incremented. Once survey A quota is completed, then the respondent will be shifted to survey B through end of survey link in the quota settings. Now survey A is showing 180 responses and survey B is showing 60 responses. When I go and look into the data, survey A has around 62 responses and survey B has 60 responses. I do not understand then why is survey A showing 180 responses? Is it double counting respondents? I would appreciate your guidance.

When you say "Survey A is showing 180 responses", where are you seeing that? I'm guessing not the Data tab because you mention you see 62 there.

When I look at all the projects on Qualtrics, it shows the number of responses by each survey title. Here I see 180 and I see 180 in the quota number. But when I click the data and analysis tab, and go into the actual responses, the number is around 65.

Hi aagrawal, if you're still seeing a discrepancy between your recorded responses and what the Projects page is reporting, I recommend reaching out to Qualtrics Support! They will be able to take a closer look at what might be going on. 🙂

Thanks, MaiaH.

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