Response to one question is deleted. What should I do? | XM Community
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I posted my survey to Mturk. And I mistakenly deleted one question. So I rewrote the question. But the responses were deleted. So I clicked the 'publish button'. I want to restore the answers. What should I do? The participants are anonymous? Is there a way to email to them? I'm so frustrated. Please help me. I'm newbie.
Hi @gaz, check the trash at the very bottom of your survey. You should be able to restore the question from there, as long as you haven't emptied the trash. You will get the data back when you restore the question.

Since you don't want it to display to respondents, I'd suggest adding some "impossible" display logic, so that you preserve the question, but your new respondents don't see it. For example, display Q1 if Q1=1 (this will never display Q1, because Q1 can't be answered before it's displayed).
You can try checking your published version. Maybe going back to an earlier version 'might' restore the data, but I have a feeling it is lost.

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