Restrict Changing Past Answers | XM Community
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I have a survey where respondents are allowed to move back to previous pages with questions. However, I would like to limit it such that certain responses to questions cannot be changed after the respondent has moved on, even if the respondent is allowed to move back to see his/her response.

How do I restrict respondents from changing certain answers to questions on past survey pages?


Hi Rui

This was a nice question.

So i have programmed a survey where respondent can select response in first question , now once they select Next. Though the person can go back the respondent can't change option he selected here is the link of the survey

Survey Link

Also I have attached the QSF with in this message. The code is in the header of the survey and in the First Question.


Nihal Chirayath
Thank you, Nihal. This is super helpful! I have been trying to set up a NYT News Quiz-like feature in Qualtrics and this is helping me on the way!

Example is here:

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