Results/Reports per-user? | XM Community
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I started playing around in the "Reports" section today, and I like a lot of the analytics "widgets" that are available in the default report. I see how to use these to create custom reports. I'd like to know how to adapt these to show responses on a per-user basis...for example, the following is a standard table that shows some good information:


What would be great is if I could generate this report for user with the email address = (something) and have this table also report that participant's response to this question. I see how the filtering can be accomplished with a filter, but when I do this it just interprets that users response as the entire user population (1), and all the cells just become that user's response, because it's not comparing it vs. the responses collectively. Ideally, a personalized report would show a person's response against the collective calculations for the entire population, so he/she could see how their response compares.

This report would then be provided to the participant, showing his/her response alongside what the mean, std. deviation, and all other calculations are for the response population as a whole.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

This is not possible using standard qualtircs reporting functions- they are somewhat limited and designed only to show aggregate reports. You will need to either build these by hand, or obtain seperate dashboarding software.

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