Reuse Anonymous Link | XM Community
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Hi. I am using Qualtrics for my research study in which I want to track participant responses over a period of 10 weeks. How can I save the responses of each participant, while using the same link each week so that new responses can be entered and analysed? I believe with the retake link option, the participants will be able to view their old responses? I don't want them to review their old responses as it could influence their responses to the same question at a different time, or they might be lazy and just repopulate the same responses. I am using the same survey question items as a measure to test the effect of a intervention on their behaviours. Thank you!
Hi @Aviej,

Is it possible to assign a random ID to the user and whenever they come back to re-participate then they should use the same random ID to complete the further instances... This way you will have an identifier for each of the user instance.
Thanks. I'm having them input their student ID. But my question is, when the re-participate, would the old responses automatically be removed with the retake link option? Or would the respondents have to delete their old entries in the survey to reuse again?
If you are using the Anonymous link (single re-usable link) then each time they enter the survey they will have to provide new responses... (no need of using the retake link)
Fantastic, thanks!

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