Roster/tables in qualtrics | XM Community
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Hi community, I am designing a survey in which I would like the participants to fill in a table (similar to a household roster). Can you please guide me on how can I do it? I dont want to create 10 questions again and again for every name, instead I want to ask them names, and want to qualtrics to ask the 10 questions automatically? Can this be done somehow? Please do help
Hello @kareco ,

We can create a open ended question (with number and range validation) - To enter the number of people in house.

Create a Side-by-Side question type with desired columns type. Based on the number entered in the first question we can apply option display logic to display required number of rows to user.
Hi Shashi. thankyou! Okay I got your suggestion. Can you please guide on how can I create a that display option though?.

What kind of questions do you want to ask again and again? Have you explored the Loop and Merge function?:

I would ask a question first- "How many people in the household?"

Then set a question to have them name everyone based off that 1st question utilizing the choice display option:


Following that you can use Loop and Merge to ask a concrete set of questions (demographics, etc.) about each person listed.

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