Scoring analysis | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I need some help with Research Core survey. I used the tool with scoring option for testing our employees. Now I need to analyze responses and find out what are wrong answers of each respondent. How can I do it with the help of Data and analysis or Reports tools?

Thanks a lot in advance!
When you pull data you will see variable score in your file. You can use this variable for your findings.
With Scoring you will just get "how much they have scored" and you won't be able to know which question they answer incorrectly / what are the wrong answer unless you have any other score variable or embedded data which capturing the incorrect answer.

You can add an embedded data which will hold the question number/question identifier which the user answered incorrectly.

In survey flow, add a branch logic for every incorrect answer and then assign the question number of that incorrect answer to the embedded data. You can concatenate the embedded data with all incorrect answer question numbers.

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