Screen out participants based on BMI | XM Community
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I also want to screen out respondents that have a BMI of <= 25.

Somehow it doesn't work, if I use the preview I always continue the survey whether my answers end up in BMI <= 25 or not. So none of the responses are screened out.

The height and weight items are: Text entry single-line (content validation -number)

I have attached the questions, survey flow and data analysis formula.

I would be grateful for any help!

check wether BMI is storing correct value. Check with data on basis of your inputted value.
Also seems like you are storing result in BMI Number and in branch using only BMI.

I will look into that and will get back to you!

Ok. So BMI is storing correct data (input weight 40, height 160) see attachment.

However, there seems to be another BMI (empty) which I can not delete?

"Number" behind I added with option and when I write BMB Number in the branch it does not help unfortunately.

Maybe there is another issue?

Oh that's a problem rename this variable to some other name say BMI_calculated
So, I started from scratch to make a clean start.

However it still does not work.

I hope it can be solved!
In image instead of "(" 9 is appearing at beginning can u check.
Ah, yes that was a typo. I removed it but still a problem.
Do I need to do something specific to the settings of "End of Survey"?
Survey flow seems correct, are you still able to see two variables for BMI in data or a single variable.
Can u share qsf file
Thank you for helping! Here is the file.
Hello @Loes ,

BMI formula is BMI= weight / (Height)*(Height)

Your Math operation should be:

`$e{ ( q://QID2/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) / ( ( q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) * ( q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) ) }`



Updated QSF attached
Hi Shashi,

thank you.

I used (height/100)*(height/100) because I want to ask respondents to enter their height in centimeters eventually.
> @Loes said:

> Hi Shashi,

> thank you.

> I used (height/100)*(height/100) because I want to ask respondents to enter their height in centimeters eventually.



Updated Math formula

`$e{ ( q://QID2/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) / ( ( ( q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) / 100 ) * ( ( q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue ) / 100 ) ) }`
add "e" at beginnning after $
YES! Thank you so much,

I added your formula and now it works! Indeed with the "e"

That's great! Thank you both for thinking along with me!

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