Screening respondents out based on combination of multiple responses | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Community,

I'm attempting to create a survey which will only accept completed responses from parents of children who meet certain BMI criteria. In order to this, I need to collect info on the child's gender, age, height, and weight to see if they fall into a certain BMI percentile category.

When coding this survey in a different platform, I used this equation to calculate BMI: ([weight]/([height]*[height]))*703

and then piped information about age and gender to calculate BMI percentile: if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '6' and [bmi] > 17.0, 1, 0) or if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '7' and [bmi] > 17.4, 1, 0) or if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '8' and [bmi] > 18.0, 1,0) or if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '9' and [bmi] > 18.6, 1, 0) or if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '10' and [bmi] > 19.4, 1, 0) or if([gender] = '0' and [age] = '11' and [bmi] > 20.2, 1, 0) ... ETC

How would you recommend I use the survey flow/skip logic to achieve this in the Qualtrics platform?


i would do those calculations as embedded data in qualtrics. You can find how here. and the branche the respondents based on the result to that embedded data, if they do not meet the criteria create a branch and add a end of the survey element customized to not record the answer.
For something like this, I think it might be easier to use the survey flow over the editor.

So instead of using skip logic, you can use branches to qualify for embedded data variables.

Such as : [branch] if answer to gender =0 AND if answer to age question is = 6 AND if bmi is greater than 17 then em (Qualify) = 1.

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