Selection by priority according to multiple rules | XM Community
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In my survey, the respondents are asked about a list of brands. At the beginning, they are lead through a kind of brand funnel (1. brands known/2. brands trusted/3. brands considered for purchase /4. preferred brand).

Later on, I would like to display 2 of the brands and ask further questions. These 2 brands should be selected by the following rule: the first brand is always the own brand (if at least known in funnel #1, otherwise screen out). The second brand is the preferred brand (funnel #4), if not own brand. If the preferred brand already is the own brand, the program should look back at considered brands (funnel #3) and carry the second brand forward from there. But if only the own brand is considered for purchase (in funnel #3), the program should look at trusted brands (funnel #2) and carry the second brand forward from there. And if only the preferred brand is among the trusted brands (in funnel #2), the program should look at known brands (funnel #1) etc.

On the other hand, there is the possibility that more than 2 brands (besides the own brand) are among the considered brands, the trusted brands or the known brands. In this case, the least filled brand should be selected. At the same time, this selection must be displayed in the question and answer text (brand’s name and image/logo) so that it can be evaluated later.

Does anybody know how this quota selection is created? And how is the brand’s name and image/logo stored - and later displayed - in the question and answer text?
The storing of the name and image is the easy part! You're going to want to learn about how to "carry forward" choices:

That will allow you to place selections from past answers forward on to new questions.

Your "if" statements up there are going to get trickier. Because for each "if" you're going to want to build a new survey flow with the appropriate branch logic to a block that shows the needed criteria:

It looks to me like two specific branches. One that "If" Own brand is only considered, and a second if there are the other brands in the mix as you identified earlier.

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