send 2 survey invites to customer with 2 e-mail addresses but keep on first complete received | XM Community
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We have a customer database that frequently contains the e-mail address of more than one resident of a given household. We would like to send a survey invitation to every member of a given household (each household has a unique customer number that would be the same for all household members), but wish to only accept the first completed response from any member of that household. That is, if we send survey invites to two members of a household, and both complete & return the survey, we want to automatically keep the first one received and discard the second one. Is there a way to do this?
Hello @BradyD453 ,

We can create a contact list for this and add a contact each time a survey is completed with unique "customer number" as external data reference. In the survey at the start we can have an authenticator to check whether the newly created contact list have customer number or not. If yes then discard and if no then keep. If you really want to discard that is don't want there data in data and analysis the use "Do not record response" option in the End of survey customize option else you can flag them with some embedded data and later filter them out.

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