Send email to participants so they can return to the survey | XM Community
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Dear all,

I'm trying to develop a function where participants begin the survey by entering their name and email address and then immediately receive an email with a unique link to exactly this survey entry in case they want to return and complete the survey at a later stage. I found the email trigger and task functions but they seem to work only form completed answers. Does anyone know how to program the function for incomplete answers?

Thanks for any help 🙂

You can create email under action and apply condition like if this question is answered an email is triggered.
Thanks Rock! Worked almost perfectly, i got to the point to send participants an email immediatly after they entered their email address. What I still cannot figure out is how to include an access link to the survey. I've tried the survey report and survey ID links but they either provide only directly the survey report or a simple ID but not a link to the survey. Any chance you know how to include a link to the survey (actually similar to the link that qualtrics sends around when using the email distribution function)? Any help is appreciated!
Hi @Johannes I have no idea if this would work, but you might try using the link codes that go out through email distributions, one of these:

${l://SurveyLink?d=Your Text Here}


Qualtrics would have to be smart enough to reference the correct respondent.
better way is to use retake link pipe retake link:

Store Responseid as embedded variable

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