Sending email to contact lists with embedded data in message body | XM Community
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Hi All,

I have a contact list with several extra columns named "age", "school", and "occupation". I want to email the contact list and refer to the individual information in these extra columns. However, when I use embedded data in the message body, the email didn't show the referred information in those columns. Is there a way to achieve my goal? Below is what I've tried:

Dear Worker,

Your age is ${m://age}, your school is ${m://school}, and your occupation is ${m://occupation}.

Also, can I send email to the list by filtering based on one or two columns in the contact list? For instance, I want to send a certain message to those with age > 16 years old and who are still students using the "age" and "occupation" columns in the contact list. Is this possible?

Thanks for your help!
1) Make sure you have "age", "school", and "occupation" defined as embedded data in your survey flow. Those names need to exactly match your column names in your contact list. More info here

2) The syntax for embedded data is `${e`

3) Read up on how to create a Sample
> @Matt_Christie_Walker said:

> 1) Make sure you have "age", "school", and "occupation" defined as embedded data in your survey flow. Those names need to exactly match your column names in your contact list. More info here

> 2) The syntax for embedded data is `${e`

> 3) Read up on how to create a Sample


Do I have to define them as embedded data in a survey flow? These columns actually have nothing to do with the survey. I simply want to email the contact list with these individual info in the message body. There is no survey link involved and the email is not tied to any survey.
I suppose you don't have to do step 1 from my previous post. It seems you're in Target Audience, creating a distribution, and have chosen the option to send an email without a survey.

In that case, I think you just have a syntax issue in your message body.

For example, the syntax for occupation should be:


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