Show only specific topics in report | XM Community
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I'm trying to create customized reports based off of a survey. For some of the text questions, the audience for this customized report will only be interested in text coded as one of the multiple topics. I've coded all the data for the question, but I'm not sure how to adjust the visualization. When I tell it to breakout questions by Q21, it just gives me the full list, but no chance to only include one of the four topics. I don't want to filter the whole report, since some people may not have answered this question or answered with a different topic but we still want their quant data included. I don't see any option for filtering at the visualization level. What are my options?

If the breakout isn't working, then I suspect you are not able to do what you want in the Survey platform. You will need to export, or get a visualization tool like Vocalise or another dashboard. The Reports function on the survey platform is kind of limited.
Hi @qualtricsnewbie! Check out this page about Results-Report Breakouts and this page about Advanced-Reports breakouts. If you have any additional questions about capabilities, be sure to reach out to our Support Team!

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