Showing only pre-defined group members to respondents | XM Community
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I am trying to design a peer-review evaluation system for group assignments.
The groups and members of the groups are already assigned and I can get these information from a contact list as an embedded data. The idea is that as soon as the students enter the survey, there is a question to confirm their ID and group (I think I should know this using a distribution through a contact list). The second one (the main purpose of this survey) will show ONLY other group members of the group of which the respondent belong to. That is if the group consists of Students A, B, C, D and if Student A is taking the survey, the second question will show only Students B,C, and D so that Student A can evaluate other group members.
What I need to do is, after detecting who is taking the survey, I should locate which group she belongs to and show only the group members excluding herself. I am unfamiliar with Javascript but I believe it is not a hard thing to do? Can anybody help me out to solve this?
Thank you very much.

Hi Mustafa I would actually just use logic for this. As you said, you can include the group members' info as embedded data (i.e., group member 1, group member 2, etc.). Don't include the contact themselves in that list. Then, you can set up a series of say, five questions, that pipe in the names of the team members. The downside to this approach is that your data are spread out over multiple questions.
Another option might be to use loop & merge. I think you could use your embedded data to populate the display choices for a question. You could make that question visible to respondents or not (use self-referencing logic on the question to make it invisible). Then you would use those displayed options in loop & merge. I don't have a whole lot of experience in this area, but I think it would work.

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