Showing the randomized condition again | XM Community
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Hi there,

I have put a randomizer in my experiment, so participants will see 1 out of 4 conditions. After a few questions, I would like to show to same condition again they have seen in the beginning. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance!


In your initial 4 randomized questions, put some javascript code to set which condition was set in an embedded data variable. Make sure to declare the variable at the start of the survey (in survey flow).

Copy the 4 questions that show the condition.

Then use display logic that uses the embedded data code to show the copy of the question that was originally shown.
Hi, @veerlek! Just wanted to jump in here and mention that you could use Embedded Data to tag which condition they saw and then Branch Logic show the same condition again later in the survey. If you would like any assistance with this, feel free to reach out to our Support Team and they would be happy to help out! 😃

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