Side by side question | XM Community
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My ideal state for the questionnaire is like this:


But now I can only make it like this:


What should I do to write my statements separately in the header of the corresponding unit instead of writing them uniformly on the left?

Also, I have two questionnaires. In the other one, I hope to replace the checkbox (or point scale) with the slider like below. How does this work?


Thank you very much!
Hi @Biubiubiu ,

Given the constraints of the available question types in Qualtrics, I don't think there's any way to locate each version of the statement on the left hand sand directly over the scales in the appropriate column AND at the same have the columns side-by-side. It's not a perfect solution, but I think the best you can do is to use the format you showed and revise your statements to read as follows so they aren't duplicated in each row:

1. Was/Would be fully responsible...

2. Did not/Would not blame others...

Regarding your second question, it doesn't appear that sliders are compatible with side-by-side questions. I don't see any way to replicate that setup in Qualtrics.
Hi @MatthewM,

Thank you very much for your reply!

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