Skip logic for multiple question matrix table | XM Community
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I have a question with 5 parts/sub-questions and 4 response options each. That is 20 possibilities total. No matter how many sub-questions they answer or how they answer, I want to skip them to another question. How can avoid 20 separate conditional statements and write just one conditional statement for the entire 5 x 4 table. Pretty new to this, any help would be appreciated.

You're question is quite vague. Some more info like, what is stopping them from moving forward in your current setup, if you just want to skip, then have your tried rearranging your survey, what other options have you tried etc., would go a long way in getting a faster response.
If I were to guess, you are looking for "Is Displayed". Select it for any of the statements, if that option is displayed, then the skip logic activates.

Here was my question
How can I avoid writing 20 separate conditional statements and write just one conditional statement for the entire 5 x 4 table?

Adding skip logic to a question is very limited because, as you point out, you can only look at one condition. Two ways to do more complex logic are:

  1. Use display logic on the subsequent questions

  2. Make your matrix question the last question in the block and use survey flow branch logic.

Thanks TomG, unfortunately I have to keep this question with its exact wording and in the exact location it is currently in. I'm sure I can do the skip logic for this but was just looking for a shorter way to do it. Thanks for your input.

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