Stimuli were randomized but questions were not | XM Community
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I have been pouring over the support site and community for a response to this issue but haven't found one yet, so hoping the community can help...

Myself and a couple of other students in our graduate class erred in how we set up our randomized questions in our survey. We each had participants look at a randomized set of stimuli but had all participants answer the same questions. We did not create the survey so that each set of questions were repeated in each randomized survey flow - instead, while participants were only exposed to one set of stimuli (the randomized item), they all answered the same questions.

Since our survey has run, we can't go back and change how it was set up. We've exported our data to SPSS and can see which participants viewed what stimuli. We are now looking to perform a t-test between the two sets of data but cannot figure out how to do that. Is there a way we can recode our data in order to clearly compare the results based on how we set up our survey?

you have to do data recording in first file to align with your second file and than have to merge to run significance testing.

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