Stop reseting of form field options when field text is modified | XM Community
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I have a boilerplate survey that I want to reuse by copying. Each copy only needs to change the text for the text entry form fields in multiple questions. Each field has been set with options Essay and Force Response. If I change the field text individually in either Preview Mode or Edit Form Fields mode the the field options do not change. It will be much faster, and less error prone, to change the field text using the Edit Multiple mode. As soon as I change one character in any form field using that mode, all the form field options are reset to Medium and No Validation. This is rather annoying.

Is there anyway to prevent that change from happening? Is there a way to set the default form field options to have Essay and Force Response?
Unfortunately, I think the answers to your questions are No and No.

One thing that might help a bit...if all the fields in the form should be force response, you don't have to set them individually. Just check Force Response for the question.
Thanks for confirming what I was able to find.

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