Stroop Task Creation | XM Community

Stroop Task Creation

  • 10 December 2018
  • 12 replies

Hi there!
Has anybody ever created a stroop task on Qualtrics? Any tricks you could share, please? I would like it to have the same look and feel as the stroop tasks found online, not like the examples found on other surveys.
Thank you!

Best answer by TomG 10 December 2018, 16:58

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12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +33
You can add timer question in a block and stroop image and ask question to write colour name. Timer question will record the time taken by respondent to respond to that stroop colour.
Thanks for your answer. I have done that. However, the look and feel that I get is not what i'm looking for. I am looking for this:, where you do not need to go to the dedicated field area to type (you just type the letter) and where questions pass on automatically.
Userlevel 7
Badge +27

It's doable, but you'll have to write JavaScript to capture the keystrokes, check the answer, and advance to the next page. You should use a loop & merge block.
Thanks TomG,
I however do not know Java language. Do you know how to do this? If so, would you mind sharing? If not, anyone else who know and wouldn't mind sharing?
Thank you so much!!
Userlevel 7
Badge +27
> @vmruiz_1978 said:
> Thanks TomG,
> I however do not know Java language. Do you know how to do this? If so, would you mind sharing? If not, anyone else who know and wouldn't mind sharing?
> Thank you so much!!

It's JavaScript; Java is a different language. Yes, I know how to do it, but knowing how to do it and taking the time to create it are two different things.
Thanks TomG.
I was asking in case somebody had already done it and wouldn't mind sharing. I do not expect anyone to do the whole thing just for kicks 🙂
Hello friends,
I have not figured out how to do this yet. I am willing to pay someone to do this for me. Do you know anyone?
Userlevel 7
Badge +27
@vmruiz_1978 - Feel free to send me a personal message.
I just wanted to follow up on this thread. I am also looking to use the stroop task in Qualtrics and was wondering if anyone had sources they would be willing to share.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Yes, I've implemented a Stroop Test. It isn't free. Feel free to contact me by private message.


Yes, I've implemented a Stroop Test. It isn't free. Feel free to contact me by private message.

Hi Tom,

I saw your replies here, and have contacted you via private message. 


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