Subject translations for thank you email | XM Community
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Hello -

I have my survey set to send a custom email thank you at survey completion. Is there a way to change the subject of the email dependent on the language of the participant either as labeled in contacts, as a choice in the survey, or as an embedded data variable?

This is possible in email distribution (choose translated subject), but doesn't not seem to be easily available when sending a thank you email. The message of the email defaults to title of the message in the message library.

Rather than using the thank you email as it exists in the distribution tab, try email triggers.

You can set up two different triggers, if the language is A and survey is complete send Email A. If language is B and survey is complete send email B.

This is how to set up the email triggers:

But this one in particular will help you set it up to send to your respondents using embedded data panelist info:
Thank you Kate for your detailed response.

I was hoping there was something I was missing. I'd really prefer to keep the translations within the message (as with distributions), but we can use the work around you suggested or branching within the survey to send different messages based on selected language.

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