Supported Languages | XM Community
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I have a doubt about the supported languages within TextiQ. Most specifically about Dutch, but also the other ones which are mentioned on one help page and not on the other:

The “Topics in Text iQ” help page indicates only 6 languages are supported. While the sub-page for Sentiment analysis indicates some more languages a.o. Dutch (but not some major languages like Russian, Arabic, …). Also it’s indicated “...we use Google software to perform sentiment analysis on these responses in their native languages.”. However Dutch is not listed on Google’s sentiment analysis API’s language support page

Does anyone know exactly which items are and aren't supported in Dutch please?

I just saw recently that Dutch is on the product update list, filled under "Waiting - Feature is not yet in active development". If you look in that section on this page, you should be able to see the information you're looking for.
Thanks @JenCX,

So that means that the Help pages aren't correct then 😕 As Dutch was already listed for Sentiment Analysis.

But interesting to know that it's coming!

How long does it usally take for an item to move from Waiting to In Development?



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