Survey Creation Guide - Edit? | XM Community
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I want to edit the Survey Set-up guide/checklist so I can have a company specific guide/checklist within the toolset that they have to consider before finalising a survey. Example Marketing/Comms considerations, Sign Offs Company contact principles, are the questions in a good format for dashboarding, company costing considerations etc) Otherwise our team just click of of it as it just has links to further pages they have to open and they just close it, if however you could force them to click through them they would have to consider it.

Is there anyway to do that, within the tool?
I'm stepping out on a limb, as I'm a user and not a Qualtrics rep, but: No.

However: Consider making a survey template that can easily be shared. I've seen instances where organizations create a template, but add in some of these details as questions. You can set them to be hidden to the survey taker, but this way you are at least semi-confident the researcher has read them. Furthermore, they can be formatted in a way that helps instruct them (E.G. Want re-code values for dashboarding to be set up? A specific embedded data principal that is needed? The survey template can show them what an example of that looks like).
Hi @SirSmug! Kate is right - there is not currently a way to edit the checklist! However, if you have not yet already, I would recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea! It sounds like it would be an awesome feature!

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