Survey Flow - End of Survey or start from square 1 | XM Community
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Hi all, my first question here.

I have created a survey for supplier evaluation.

The Flow is similar to below

Block 1

- Question "Select Vendor(s) to evaluate"

Block 2

- Set of 10 questions w/Loop $ Merge from Block1

- Set of 6 questions (valid only for some suppliers) w/Skip Logic based on Block1

Block 3

- Question "Did you finished or you want to evaluate other suppliers?"

No I would like that when Question in Block 3 is Yes-Finished, the Survey will ends.

If the question instead is No-I want to evaluate others, the flow will go back from Block 1.

And I would like that only "remaining" suppliers not already previously selected will be shown for selection.

All of this until the customer will thick Yes-Finished.

Any idea to support?

Thank you.

Loop and merge will only allow you to display the set number of things that were displayed or selected- it's not going to let you use that sort of "review more" or "finish" functionality.

Is it a set list of vendors? You can build separate blocks for each vendor. Use the Survey Flow to display or hide relevant Vendors, or to allow them to continue or select if they want to continue or end. You can Copy and Paste the Blocks to make the work go a little faster.
Hi Kate, thanks for the answer.

My Block1 is a multiple choice with >60 suppliers.

The customer will thick the boxes of the suppliers he intends to evaluate.

At the end of the questions, I would like to ask to customer:

- have you answered to all suppliers:

1. * yes THEN finish.

1. * no, THEN get presented again the list of suppliers - without the one already answered, so to restart with BLOCK2 only with the additional added, until the customer will select yes

I tried using Survey Flow with a conditioned Branch.

The result is that if customer select no, he get prompted with Block1, can select additional suppliers, but then he see what has already been answered, leaving him to click on next a lot of times (in particular when many suppliers have been already answered).
That makes sense to me, @Antonio! I would add that you need to remember the flow is linear. You can reference the customer back to their work on Block1, but know that you are going to have to make that happen a finite number of times. There is not a way to create a continuous loop back to Block1- you need to build it into the linear flow a finite number of times.

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