Survey flow in dependence of external data | XM Community
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Hello community,

lets say I have an excel-list of 500 E-Mails.

In a first step, I want to check if the respondents email address (which I ask for in the survey) is listed in the excel file. If not, you will be redirected to the thank you page. If there is a match, you will receive another set of questions.

In a second step, the number of extra questions should be dependent on the information in the excel list as well.

Here is a short demonstration of how it should work, the excel file looks like this:

E-Mail of participant | Customer1 | Customer2

mail[at]test1 | Felix | Max

mail[at]test2 | Ryan | not applicable

mail[at]test1 should receive the following questions:

1. What is your strategy regarding customer Felix?

2. What is your strategy regarding customer Max?

mail[at]test2 should receive the following questions:

1. What is your strategy regarding customer Ryan?

Is there an easy way to perform this in qualtrics without relying on JavaScript or other programming languages?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,

@Sebastian_I You can upload the contacts in a separate list and set up an authentication based on it . If the contact is in the list, they will be forwarded to the following questions, and if not on the list they can be forwarded to the end of survey:


More on the authentications:

With the 2nd step, you can use the background info as embedded data and insert it as piped text to the questions. Please find more information here:
Thank you very much 🙂
@Sebastian_I - This is obvious, but I thought I would mention it any, but with the example you gave of Test1 and Test2, you can either use branch logic or display logic to show/hide questions if they have a valid value in the Customer 2 field. In other words you can restrict about Customer 2 for Test 2 as it would not be applicable.

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