Survey Flow with mulitple branch combinations | XM Community
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Hi there,

I have a choice of 6 selections where we would like users able to choose 1 only, 2 or up to all 6 (in various combinations).

Each choice goes to their respective block of questions.

If a user is choosing only 1 the branch can be set with its end of survey working fine.

My problem is setting the end of survey to be avoided when a choice of more than one is chosen. Correct placement on the survey flow may be where I am going wrong. Would anyone be kind enough to advise of any examples for this type of choice mutiple options to include to show the selected branches without an early exit. Any advice would be appreciated.


Hi davefo,

Can you share an qsf with dummy questions with your current setup or an screenshot of your existing setup?
Hi SaurabhPujare_Ugam,

images show the survey flow and the question with only 1 choice set to be available.

As mentioned I would like to enable more than one choice to users and their respective blocks to show without terminating.

I created a dedicated End of Survey block which has a continue or end survey option but kept getting a loop.
I forgot to say thankyou for replying to my question - so thankyou SaurabhPujare_Ugam! 🙂

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