Survey Link blocked on some NHS (National Health Service UK) computers - Help please | XM Community
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I am undertaking a national survey of a section of NHS staff and have heard that the link is blocked by at least some NHS IT systems. The survey response rate is vastly less than expected and this may be the cause. Is this a known problem. Is there a way to re-publish with some manipulation of the link that makes this less likely to happen?
First use of Qualtrics so please use plain English for any detailed answers!

Hi NickHarland ,
If you haven't already I would check the Qualtrics Support page Avoid Being Marked as SPAM.
However, there might not be a lot you can do on your end. If you have a relationship with the NHS IT admins, you might ask them to to whitelist Qualtrics:

Thank you. I contacted support and was asked for a screen shot of the error. In the mean time found out that person who sent the link used wordpress and when this was addressed the link worked.

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