Survey preview is behaving weird for surveys edited recently | XM Community
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I haven't been able to preview my surveys properly either on the projects page or within each of those projects. No survey content is visible on the preview page. Basically, it's a blank page except for buttons like "restart preview", "place a bookmark", "tools" etc:

Qualtrics preview issue.JPGAlso, I noticed a couple of other things changed and I'm not sure whether they are related to the issue above. First, I'm not able to view blocks. Under "block options" there are two identical "view block from survey flow" options. From what I can remember, the first one should be "view block":
Qualtrics view block.JPG
Second, my selection under the "tools" menu on the preview page will not stay selected between previews. For example, I checked "ignore validation" and then closed the preview page. I immediately clicked "preview" again and it was unchecked again. If I remember correctly, the status of that option doesn't refresh every preview.
Only surveys created over this summer (May-Aug 2020) have those issues, and those issues are recent, because I had no problem previewing those surveys or blocks in those surveys back in August. I have tried using different browsers and different computers. The problems are the same. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar issues? Right now, I can't tell whether it's the platform or my account (institution account) that is causing those issues.
The surveys are my thesis programs and I am hoping to graduate in time. Any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
Thank you!

Hi CuriousZ! It definitely sounds like you have some features that are not working as intended! If you have not yet already, we'd highly recommend reaching out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to troubleshoot and further escalate this, as needed!

Hi Lauren, I had done so and wasn't able to access any of the ticket forms (e.g. email, chat). The page showed that I was not authorized to fill out those surveys. But I just checked now the bug was fixed and I could submit a ticket.
Many thanks! :)

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