Survey responder has to enter a unique code(number) in text entry box to complete survey? | XM Community
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I am new to the survey tool and learning quickly from the community. What is the best question type and validation to support the scenario below?
For our survey, we want to control at the end for the survey owner(primary responder) to enter a unique code(number) that was received in the welcome survey email to confirm if the survey is accurate and ready for submission to prevent accidental submission if sharing the link internal to answer the questions?

For example: Once the survey answer and data have been reviewed for accuracy, please enter the "code" in the welcome email to certified and submit the survey?

My thoughts? Can we use forms and content validation with a specific number (i.e., 1903) to pass the validation? If so, would I put 1903 in the minimum and maximum to pass validation?

You can just add the code to an embeddedData field then branch logic at the end. (e.g. entered code matches the embeededData so record data and end survey).

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