"Take Survey Again" Link | XM Community
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I have an interesting use case where I have users submitting surveys many times as they are collecting research. They will have a personal link that they will use for each customer they are talking to (trying their responses to customer records).

After they submit I want to add a "Take Survey Again" link to the End of Survey page that allows them to go back to the start of the survey and submit again. This needs to match the personal link so each time the data is linked to the customer.

Any thoughts on how I can do this?

Thanks- Marc
Another option is that the survey redirects back to itself to take again (hopefully showing some sort of confirmation that the survey submitted properly). Can I do that through the redirect option at the end of the survey or as part of the survey flow?
You're not going to want to have it be the same unique link in all likelyhood, that would cause the data to re-write the old response. Instead, consider a link that says "take the survey again" but redirects to an anynomous link with the needed embedded data attached to the query string:


You can use the piped data feature to continue to associate that information with every pass through.
Yes, once I realized that you can't allow non-anonymous users to take the survey multiple times I switched directions and made a custom link for each researcher that has their customer ID as a URL variable. Thanks for the info!

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