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I'll be glad to receive your help:

In the survey I build, I want to ask the subject how many children she has, and according to her answer, I would like her to answer another question: What is the date of birth of your children?

For example, if the respondent answers the number of children is 3, I want her to be able to fill the birth dates of all three of her children.

I looked for a solution to this in the support page but unfortunately I did not succeed.

Can you help me implement this?

Hi @Muriel, this you can easily achieve by adding display logic in each of your option where you are asking dare of birth. For example, the very first option (let's say - DoB of 1st child) will have display logic: the value of your previous numeric question is greater than equal to 1. Example in below Snapshot.


Similarly, for 2nd option the logic will be when the value of previous question is greater than equal to 2 and so on...

Please let me know if this is clear or you want me to share more details.

Hi @Alok_Painuly,

Thanks for your response. Following your response, I'd be happy to learn more about how to do this.

Thank you,

Hi @Muriel,

I am assuming that you will be showing a numeric question to ask the number of children, and then on next page you will be asking the DoB of each child.


Now, on 2nd question where we are asking the DoB, we need to add display logic on every option.


Apply the logic on each option one by one - where it will be displayed when the value of previous question is greater than equal to the answer option. Please refer below snapshot.


Please note that you must restrict the limit in your question where you are asking the number of children, e.g. max 10 child.

Please let me know if you are using different question type other than the numeric question to ask number of children. If yes, then we need to do it in another way.
Hi @Alok_Painuly,

First, thank you for your help.

I'm probably doing something wrong.

I enclose a picture of three questions I want to ask and draw together.

As I said, at first I want the respondents to answer the question how many children do you have? According to their answer, I want them to provide the birth date of each of the children she has as well as the gender of each one (male or female). Do you have an idea? Can I do that?

Hi @Muriel in this case you can use loop. You can show these two questions (Gender and DoB) together N number of times based on the selection of previous question. Please refer the below link for more details:
Loop and merge might speed things up; but it will only display the questions for each discrete number selected. EG: If your participant selects "4 children", it will only display the block for Child 4. It will NOT present the block 4 times.

That being said- @Alok_Painuly's method above of displaying the questions using display logic works great. You can do that for all questions (DOB and Gender).

Here's a similar example I have where a participant says they Signed 1 contract, 2 contracts, 3 contracts, etc., and we ask for more details about each contract:


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