Test-Re-Test Survey | XM Community
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i'm trying to set up a qualtrics to test and re-test the validity of a questionnaire. My problems are:

1. I want the survey to be anonymous.

2. Be -emailed to the participant 2 weeks later automatically.

3. The first survey to be linked to the second - for analysis.

Is all this possible?



3rd Year Medical Student
Yes all this possible

You can set email distribution to specific date after 2 weeks.

First survey can be linked to other using contact list trigger.

Also you can keep your responses anonymous m
Thanks. Now the how bit?

I've set the survey up. They will input the e-mail once in the survey as a final question. I can set this up to e-mail 2 weeks later. However the e-mail stay attached to the first survey when looking at responses.

Thanks Gareth
In first survey ask email.

Use contact list trigger to store email in some variable.

Use this contact list you get from first survey as a main contact list for your second survey.

In email distribution you can select date of your choice.


I'm struggling with the same problem. Did you figure out the how bit?
Hi, @gwevans! I just wanted to jump in here to let you know that we have this new support page which you may find to be useful!

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