Testing a survey with brand logic based on embedded variables | XM Community
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Hi guys -

I've got a pretty complex survey with lots of branches based on embedded variables. Is there a smart way of testing this through preview, or do I need to use a live link and delete cookies after each time? Thanks!
Better way is to prepare different links for each brand by appending it with your link.

Like: previewlink? Brand=1... And so on prepare link for each brand and pass to everyone in your team to check 🙂. This is what we do when we have many scenarios
Ha - that makes sense, but I guess that means that you use live links for testing. Ok, that's helpful - thanks!
You can use preview link and append it with &

For live link you can append with "?"
> @ashrabstein said:

> Ha - that makes sense, but I guess that means that you use live links for testing. Ok, that's helpful - thanks!

We tend to use preview links for testing this so we don't waste completes.

Once it is confirmed, we always test a live link for verification.

You could also append the embedded data to generating test responses and just check that their data appears to hit the correct marks.
@AnthonyR I didn't realize I could append variables to the Preview link until @bansalpeeyush29 mentioned it. Thanks guys!!
Just for your reference there is one more option in preview link testing to bookmark, you can bookmark your brand question and anytime you can go to brand question and change it .

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