Text entry form field sub-sub-type in Advanced TXT file import | XM Community
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I am creating text files to use to create surveys. Several of the questions will be text entry forms. I would like each form field to be Essay length. Is there a sub-sub-type available to do that? Or a choice sub-type? I have something like the following in my text import file.


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The fields come in with Medium size option set. Lacking a way to define this in the import file, I will have to manually set the field size option which is sub-optimal. If I could set Forced Response that would also be nice.
No. If there were a sub-sub-type it would be [[Question:TE:Form:Essay]], but doesn't work. The only [[Choice]] sub-type is recode.

You can't set Force Response with AdvancedText import.

The only way to get the import functionality you want is using a .QSF file, but those are very cumbersome to create manually.
I tried Essay also to no avail. I am poke around with the .QSF file now.

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