text entry with rating in same question | XM Community
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I have a question on my survey that asks respondents to write down up to 5 words that describe scientists (e.g., logical, critical thinker, etc) and then rate how much each characteristic is like them. Ideally, it would be great if the respondent could type the characteristic and then give a rating in the same question. If this is not possible, what's the best way to split the question so that they can list the characteristics and then give ratings separately.

Question one can be form type text question with 5 form fields. And then you can use questions like - slider ( eg: star type) and add carry forward choices on question one - "Entered choices- Entered text"

I don't follow. Only one form field is available for text entry questions.

Check - this source , carry forward

Ok. I changed the text entry type to "form" but for the carry forward option, entered text is not an option. I only see the option to carry forward statements or scale points.

I got it to work. This post helped (https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/1421/using-piped-text-to-carry-forward-form-entry). Thank you for your help, Rondev!

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