The stars in 'slider question' do not appear in the survey | XM Community
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Dear anyone,

for some awkward reason the stars (as one visualization of the slider question) do not appear when I 'preview' my survey. I can see their surroundings in the question itself/editing mode. Once the preview of the survey is started, I can only see the value if I click somewhere right of the item, where I assume one of the stars to be ... .

Does it become clear what I mean ?

Any suggestions ?




Have you tried previewing the whole survey instead of the question preview? I find that the question preview is not always up to date, especially since this new Publish feature has been implemented. If you have not clicked publish after adding the stars in then you won't see them when previewing the question.
hello @WoGeLa ,

Try refreshing your account and preview.

Another thing you can try is view your survey from anonymous link to check if it works.
Thanks for the tips guys/gals. Unfortunately, neither of them 'revealed' the stars ...
Hey @WoGeLa! If you are using a custom theme, please fill out the 'Report a Theme Issue' survey found on this page to get in touch with our Design Team!
Can you share the QSF file with us.
Sure (see attachment)
When I upload the QSF and test the stars are displaying just fine. On Google Chrome.
Dear Uhrxx005,

I had a glimpse of hope there, but I tried the link to the survey in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and InternetExplorer on PCs and Macs. Neither browser displayed the stars properly ... .

I guess, I'll choose another slider option for that survey. But thanks for your help ! :|
I would definitely call Qualtrics support about this. They should be able to escalate it to their engineering team and get it resolved for you.

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