Ticketing, display Sub tickets next to Parent tickets | XM Community

Ticketing, display Sub tickets next to Parent tickets

  • 25 August 2020
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi All,

I'm trying to work out a way / the best way that will let me review the sub tickets alongside the parent tickets and group them together. I thought of a couple of ways to do this but would appreciate your thoughts on how to actually implement this plus any caveats or other ideas:

1) I could do this is via a record grid in ticket dashboard and sort it by Ticket Name. So long as each Ticket (parent or sub ticket) starts with the same name (eg the Ticket key: eg. T-141). When you sort it by this field or do a keyword search in the widget then that would show up all the tickets relating to it. [When a parent ticket is created the Ticket name won't include the ticket key and so I need some advice as to how best to amend the ticket name to include the key - I need to be careful to ensure this action only happens once so choosing the right event is important!]

2) I could have a field for Parent key which when a ticket is created AND it is classed as a sub ticket, the parent key could be added to a field using an action. [is there a field which identifies a parent key in a subticket? When a ticket is created, how can you tell it's a sub ticket and how can you utilise this in the an action?] Is any of this possible?

I realise all these ideas need to be displayed in a ticket dashboard which is fine but thought I'd ask this question in the survey part as this question is more to do with the Actions part of the platform.

The reason I want to do this is so that our site managers can review all the tickets and sub tickets being created without having access to the ticketing system where it's hard to see all this data in one go. It would be better to have a specific field identifying the parent Key when a sub ticket is created.
Rod Pestell

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