Time out (logout) while in Survey Flow | XM Community
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Has anyone else been randomly logged out of Qualtrics while working in the survey flow? I say "randomly" because it doesn't happen to me all the time nor does it seem to happen after a certain amount of time. It's just annoying because my work doesn't get saved, so I have to go back in and redo everything from my last save.
@Clint qualtrics does have a 1 hour of inactivity timer, after which it gives a countdown warning, then logs you out. Is this happening while you are actively working on a project?
> @AnthonyR said:

> @Clint qualtrics does have a 1 hour of inactivity timer, after which it gives a countdown warning, then logs you out. Is this happening while you are actively working on a project?

No countdown warning. This happens while I'm actively editing survey flow.
> @Clint said:

> > @AnthonyR said:

> > @Clint qualtrics does have a 1 hour of inactivity timer, after which it gives a countdown warning, then logs you out. Is this happening while you are actively working on a project?


> No countdown warning. This happens while I'm actively editing survey flow.

That is strange at best... I'm not certain but there MAY be some sort of brand level setting that sets a max time you can be logged in for? I'd definitely contact support about this one.
@Clint I have absolutely run into this problem while actively working (not after inactivity). So frustrating!
Same here. Seems I get randomly logged out a LOT lately while actively working within Qualtrics. I get a "Session expired" message.
Yes!! Same here. Thought it was just me.
Out of curiosity, What browser / OS are you all using? Curious if it is browser specific.
Chrome for me.
> @RondaD said:

> Chrome for me.

Hmm, I use chrome as well and don't have the issue. It's not crashing the browser window is it? I know the survey flow editor can start to use up quite a bit of ram and have had it use enough to crash before.
@AnthonyR Nope. No crash. Just a very polite log-in time-out message.

Definitely strange and very likely something the Qualtrics engineering team should be looking in to as a bug. I'd recommend those having the issue put in a formal Support request for it, so that they know the problem exists. .
This is still consistently happening, especially when I am editing embedded data in the survey flow. I put in a formal Support request today. Although I'm guessing they have a pile of tickets already. 😉
I can also confirm this has happened before, and while working in survey flow. I've learned the hard way to save often, maybe every few lines or branches in survey flow, exit and search for the question to easily find my place in the flow again. However, it looks like an update might have been implemented that keeps your position in the flow. Which makes saving and closing much easier.
@RondaD I find that it will log me out if I try and do too much in survey flow without taking a moment to save, close out, and re-open it. So annoying but it is what it is. I also use Chrome.
This is horrible. It's 2019 now and this is still happening. I had a massively complex full factorial design that I finally completed in survey flow. Clicked 'save', got the 'your session timed out' message, and everything is gone. I have to spend a lot of time again getting it to where I left off. Problems like these shouldn't happen with a professional platform like this, or worse, take so long until they are solved.
I wholeheartedly agree with @dschreij. This should have been patched already. Having this issue with chrome in 2019!
Happening to my users as well. SSO makes dealing with this easier, but it's still annoying for me as brand admin to have to reopen dashboards I've been monitoring before getting logged out for the umpteenth time during the day...
Happened to me also just another day. Pretty annoying... Using Chrome as well.
I'm beginning to notice this happening not just in the survey flow but in the quotas as well. I can be making/editing quotas and out of nowhere - BAM! Logged out and everything erased.
For anyone experiencing this, please reach out to our Support team so they may properly file this with our engineering team. Thanks!
I just had this happen to me too! I was actively making changes the whole time. Tried to do CTRL + s (out of habit from Microsoft crashing on me so much). I clicked Save Flow, got a message that my session timed out, and when I clicked back in so much of my work was lost. I am heartbroken. I didn't take any breaks and was constantly working 😞

Contacting support now like Lauren suggested
I've been having the issue too over the last month - using Chrome. I'm also getting emails from a few respondents saying their survey is timing out.
For anyone having these problems, I added a post to product ideas. It would be great if you can head over there, up vote, and talk about your experience so hopefully we can get this fixed!

This happens to me almost daily, but I am usually in the survey editor instead of the Survey Flow. I'm using Google Chrome. I always have to go back and redo the last thing I did because it never saves.
> @uhrxx005 said:

> This happens to me almost daily, but I am usually in the survey editor instead of the Survey Flow. I'm using Google Chrome. I always have to go back and redo the last thing I did because it never saves.

When I am in Survey Editor on Chrome I can do a CTRL + s on my keyboard and I see in the top left hand corner that a save was forced. Have you tried that?

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