Timeline with markers over entire questionnaire | XM Community
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Dear community, I am new here and I have a question about a function of which I don't know whether Quatrics has it yet. I would like to create a set of markers that indicate when certain questions started and ended from the moment that the survey began. So, in my data, I would like to see for each participant after how much time from the beginning they started and ended Q2, Q6, and Q8. The purpose is to match the data over time with another dataset that also has markers, but cannot be connected to Qualtrics. Any suggestions are welcome! Thank you in advance!
Check out the question type Page Timer. If you put each question of interest on their own page it will let you know how long respondents spent on that page.

_Question type > Advanced > Timing > Page Timer_
Check out the question type Page Timer. If you put each question of interest on their own page it will let you know how long respondents spent on that page.

_Question type > Advanced > Timing > Page Timer_
Thank you so much! But, this will only let me know _how long_ respondents were on each page, and not when. I need to know the time _between_ questions as well. I thought that I might put a timer on each question and add them up. But, I am worried (and I actually hope) that the page timer will not count the time that is lost while every page loads. That way, I will have the time spent on every page, but not the time that respondents were in between pages. So I cannot match the questions over a timeline with another dataset.

Any other ideas anyone?
Hello @Ming ,

Don't know this is efficient way to achieve the requirement but you will get the output as required:

Create n number of embedded data ( eg: Q1_Timer, Q2_Timer.....etc ) in the survey flow as the first element of the survey where n = number of question present in survey.

Paste the below code in the js(OnReady) of the respective question i.e changing the embedded data name:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData( "Q1_Timer", "${date://CurrentDate/c}

" );

The above code will capture the timestamp at each question level when it was displayed.

Using time difference between Q1 and Q2 you can get how much time from the beginning they started and ended Q2 and so on.
Thanks, @Shashi! That actually sounds perfect!

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