Trouble using the display logic | XM Community
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I made a survey and I am trying to use the display logic where if they say no to "are you an alumni" or if they select no to " have you worked longer than a year" then it will display "thank you for your response however...". The problem I am having is that if they click yes to that second question the message still displays and they are not allowed to progress through the survey
@Dresilla ,

Check if you are using correct logical operator(AND/OR), and I think you should use AND operator. Just check!!
Hi @Ritz,

I've tried both the "and" and the "or" operator and I've tried doing it through branching as well and it still hasn't worked unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion though.
> @Dresilla said:

> Hi @Ritz,


> I've tried both the "and" and the "or" operator and I've tried doing it through branching as well and it still hasn't worked unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion though.

is it okay if you upload a screenshot of survey flow for better understanding
As per your query I ithink it should be OR and you want to screen out with any of these conditions.

In branch just drop end of survey element and customise end message or put info note and than end element.
If you can share the QSF then that will be helpful...

Otherwise, if you are applying a condition on 2 different questions then you skip logic instead of display logic. Using skip logic and select "End of Survey".

If you want to apply the condition on the single question then you will have to use branch logic with customize "end of survey element"

Here is the documentation:
Hello everyone,

Here is an update. I've tried branching where it skips to the end of the survey if they select yes for question for I still get the message which is what I don't want. They should be able to continue the survey if they select yes to either question. Please let me know if you can see the images


Also I have tried using only skip logic and just doing branching but I am still getting the same result. Even when I deleted the message and the block entirely, the message still appears when I select yes to question 4.
Hoping that your both questions are under same block i.e. "Default Question Block"

Now, you will have to update your first branch logic with "AND" condition.

Such as click on the "Edit condition" and have the second question with No selected.

Remove the second branch logic.
Do you want to show some specific set of questions as per selection of "yes" in individual questions?

eg. If yes is selected in Q1 show Qa, Qb, Qc else terminate

& If yes is selected in Q2 show Qx, Qy, Qz else terminate.
Hello everyone,

I was finally the problem. After I cleaned up the survey flow, thanks to everyone's suggestions, the survey was still terminating after question 4 regardless of if yes or no was selected. The reason for this was that I had the wrong validation option for question 4 selected. Instead of having the validation code set to none it was set to customize. I switched it and everything is running correctly now. Thanks for all the help.

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