Two part survey with two different samples | XM Community
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Hi Community!

I have a survey with two parts (rate an existing system and provide feedback for a new one). Employees who have been here for at least three months will see the whole survey and those who started after May will only see the second half. Two questions - I want to send two different email invites to the different groups, can I use two different contact lists without messing up my meta data display logic as long as both contact lists contain the same variables? What is the easiest way to skip my new hires to the second half of the survey? Add display logic for each question on the first half or add an intro question that is only shown to new hires and has skip logic to the second section?

Any urgent help would be greatly appreciated!


So long as you have the same variables: Yes! Using the two seperate distributions will have no ill effects on your display logic or flow.

I think either of your skip methods work. Personally: I would use the display logic. That method allows the export to Word to show the logic, where as survey flow does not show in exports. But I have to show my work to stakeholders a lot. If that is not a requirement for you, then both methods are pretty well the same!

If you ever want to test stuff out to make sure it is displaying/hiding as you want, add the variables to the query string on the preview link to test with the desired variables in place (E.g. Test the suvey as a new hire, test the survey as a member of Research, whatever matters to you):

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