Use email triggers to send survey response email with pictures included as attachments? | XM Community

Use email triggers to send survey response email with pictures included as attachments?

  • 18 July 2019
  • 1 reply

Not just links to the pictures as is standard, but rather the actual picture so we can copy/paste the picture without clicking into a link? This would greatly improve our workflow because our surveys may have 50+ images or attachments to move into other documents that is quite time consuming.

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I believe you can embed the images in your triggered email referencing the question data and name as the source. Something like...

<a href="${q://QID3/UploadedFileLink}"><img alt="${q://QID3/UploadedFileName}" src="${q://QID3/UploadedFileLink}" style="max-width:100%" /></a>

I usually build what I want the email to look like in Komposer then copy the code into the html screen on the trigger editor.

the only unsatisfying part of that solution is that if you have a 50 links to images which may or may not be in any particular survey the triggered email will show broken links for the number of images that were not uploaded.

Another option (I have not tested) is to put the embed code above in a embedded field for each upload question and then use branching to combine only those that have been uploaded in a long string of embed links in a single embedded field.

Then embed that in the html. I did not test


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