Use Embedded data from URL with spaces for text | XM Community
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I am sending out a survey with a program name embedded at the end of the URL (?ProgramURL=Program%20One; ?ProgramURL=Program%20Two)

I want to use this in two ways:

1) Piped text so people know they are at the right place: (Thanks for answer this survey about Program One. Thanks for answer this survey about Program Two.)

2)Display logic to display descriptive text ONLY IF they are from Program One. (If ProgramURL Is Equal to Program%20One)

I can get it to do the first, but it is not matching with the second. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?

I'm assuming to get the piped text to work, you have an embedded data element in your survey flow that has

* ProgramURL = set from panel or URL

If the branching logic isn't working and this is the case, it's possible your space is causing a problem. A work around would be to use a code for ProgramURL that doesn't have spaces and in the survey flow you would have:

* Embedded data -> ProgramURL = set from panel or URL

* Branch -> ProgramURL = 1, then indented under the branch Embedded data -> Program = Program One

* Branch -> ProgramURL = 2, then indented under the branch Embedded data -> Program = Program Two

You could then use in your display logic ProgramURL = 1 or Program = Program 1 to display your descriptive text question.
Thanks! I do have the embedded data element in the survey flow, so I think you are probably right that it is the space in the name that is causing my problem.

We have about 30 programs, so I was hoping to use the program name in the URL to avoid having to do all the branching and display logic, but the programs without spaces will be tricky for folks to read, so it's probably my only option. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious!

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