use javascript and embedded data to randomize question formulation | XM Community
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I am new to Qualtrics and I am struggling to understand how changing the embedded data works. I have the following situation. Let's say we have:

Q1: What's your best friend's name?

Q2: What's your brother's name?

and in Q3 you want to ask how old is either the brother or the best friend (picking one of these randomly). What I am currently doing is first in the SurveyFlow I create an embedded data called "chooseRandom" (with no preset value),

then, in Q3 I ask "How old is ${e://Field/chooseRandom}?" and I add the following javascript function:



var arr = ["${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue}", "${q://QID2/ChoiceTextEntryValue}"]; #create an array with the two names

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('chooseRandom', arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]); #set 'chooseRandom' as one of those two elements


However, when I preview the survey the question shows simply as "how old is ?"

I think I'm simply not fully understanding how this "setEmbeddedData" function works. This is a simplified case, ideally I would want to have more conditional choices when creating the array from where to pick an element randomly, however I think if I understand this part, I can figure out the rest.

Thanks in advance!
From what I understand now, when I set the embedded data element via javascript, it only shows up starting from the next block. A bit annoying, but I think it should still work in my case.
I think you may be over engineering this. You don't need JavaScript in order to set randomization as it is a core function of the platform.

You can either do it in the Survey Flow and set an embedded data value to something, or use the randomization option at the block-level to randomly display Q1 or Q2.

This explains the Survey Flow randomization method:

This explains the block randomization:
Thank you for the answer, but I think in this case using the Survey Flow randomization makes everything more confusing, since I don't have only 2 options like in the example that I gave, but quite a few more, and before choosing randomly I would also have to do some filtering, and I would have to repeat this action more than 10 times. Maybe it could also work with survey flow, but since I already know javascript that was way easier. I simply wasn't fully understanding that when you hide a block then the javascript code isn't executed, and that when you set an embedded data variable using javascript, the new value becomes "available" in the next block.
Gotcha. And yup, you got it. JavaScript that is embedded in a question won't trigger until that page loads. If it never loads, it won't trigger.

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