using a randomized block two times in a survey without replecment. | XM Community

using a randomized block two times in a survey without replecment.

hi guys.
i'm having a little truble with a survey i'm working on.
i have a block with 10 questions, and i want the participents to see 3 random questions.
afterwards, the participents go through a manipulation, and than another random 3 questions from the same block, to a sum of 6 questions total.
can anyone advice me on a way to sort the survey flow? right now i have two identical blocks, one for before and one for after the manipulation, which is working, but missing the "without replecment" benefits. is there a way to re-use a block while remembering which questions were allready asked?
thank you very much😁

2 replies

Use the Embedded data for whether each of the items was displayed in the first block to determine if the item is to be shown in the second block

thank you!
could you plaese explain a little bit more though? i figured i could use the embedded data only if each question were in it's own block.
do you know a video guide that could walk me through the proccess please?
again, thank you for you help😁

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