Using Drill Down responses in Display Logic | XM Community
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I'm using a Drill Down question to ask respondents about whether they work for one of the organizations in a list. I'm first filtering by State and then listing the organizations in those states.

For each State I am including an "Other Organization" option. As an example, you could select "CA" as your state and then "Other Organization" but you can similarly select "Other Organization" for each other state.

I'm then displaying a text field for respondents who select one of these "Other Organization" options to write-in their organization name but was hoping to _not_ have to select each option individually (since there are 50 options, iterating through each state).

Is there a way to use either just the 2nd level of the drill down or some other method to determine whether they selected one of the "Other" options to display this text field? My familiarity with JavaScript is limited but I can follow directions pretty well if there's a solution there.

@straister, the best way to deal with these type of questions is to use embedded variales. i.e. in the survey flow create an embedded variable any store selected organization in it. and then use that embedded variable for display logic (e.g. if org=Other Organization).

Also as a best practise I would recomment to always store data of drill down in embedded variables because if you wand to change any option of drill down then it invalidate the data collected so far.
@YASH1T awesome. Super helpful. My question - and forgive me if this is pretty basic - is: Can I use embedded variables within the same block? So the question for "Other" comes immediately after the question where they'll tell us the name. I'm having trouble getting it to work accurately and so was wondering if this is because the embedded data has to be used in another block later after being set?
> @straister said:

> @YASH1T awesome. Super helpful. My question - and forgive me if this is pretty basic - is: Can I use embedded variables within the same block? So the question for "Other" comes immediately after the question where they'll tell us the name. I'm having trouble getting it to work accurately and so was wondering if this is because the embedded data has to be used in another block later after being set?

Embedded data can be used within the same block if it is set with JavaScript (Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData) AND on a different page. If you set embedded data in the survey flow, then it can't be used in the same block.

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